Quinte Conservation owns an interesting property which is currently being restored to its historic heritage by local residents. The property is called O'Hara Mill and is located just north of Madoc off hwy #62. The multi-acre site contains many 19th century buildings, numerous streams and hiking trails, along with a covered bridge. Below the bridge resides a weir and falls area. An old water wheel is located off to one side. It is a unique place and we are lucky to have such a treasure nearby. I went with Phil Norton and his Photo & Fitness group of adventurers photofitness group . It was a typical Ontario January day - overcast and dull - requiring a rather high ISO number for many of the shots. These were taken with a Nikon D5100 camera with an 18-105mm lens. A tripod got put to good use in order to allow long exposures of the flowing water.

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