We had another informative and entertaining session at our May monthly meeting. Our guest speaker, Jess Mulholland, discussed her progression as a photographer from photojournalism to her current specializations of portraiture and weddings. She discussed her techniques to get subjects relaxed and natural for the image capture session. Her work can be viewed in more detail at http://jcmulhollandphotography.ca.

Eric Pierce Took us on a historical voyage of the changes and the current status of digital photography and touched upon many helpful tips and routines for viewing, editing, organizing and archiving our images. Karen Smith displayed a series of images that demonstrated the true beauty of the natural environment and discussed the various pressures encroaching upon that wonderful ecosystem. Over 90 images were submitted and viewed for our last month's challenge - "Shoot a Fowl Foto". These images have been posted to our facebook page located at facebook.com/CountyFotoClub
Caspar Radden entertained us with a DVD presentation entitled "Raptors" which included still images, sound, and video pictures. A slideshow featuring collages of images from the club's Wellington photoshoot of Apr 21st was reviewed along with a discussion of how we might put this into a small saleable booklet for Wellington's 150th anniversary celebrations on the July 1st weekend. The meeting ended with the new May monthly challenge of "Reflections". Also the assembled group was reminded of the Bird Banding photoshoot planned for Sunday May 12th, 9:30am at the Port Traverse bird banding station. Thanks for all who attended.
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