Even going up
against the mighty Super Bowl and the ominous threat of an on-coming
snow-ma-geddon, we had a full house at our meeting.
The weather man cooperated with snow delayed til long after all were
safely home.
Our meeting started with a rollicking display of images from our Hockey Night in the County outing at which our beloved Dukes fell to the mighty Golden Hawks of Trenton. We even summoned up the voice of Foster Hewitt and the hockey songs of Stompin' Tom himself!
We were next treated to a dazzling display of the world of Underwater Photography from Jeff Evoy - our guest speaker and amateur scuba diver. Jeff is also the owner of our local Japan Camera Centre in Belleville. He, along with his wife Debbie, brought along a sizeable display of underwater photographic equipment that spanned the ages, from large fully enclosed housings and lights, all the way up to today's small water-proof cameras that are great for snorkling activities. They provided a lot of useful tips for anyone interested in such activities on upcoming southern vacations.

We ended the meeting with a fine display of images interpreting this month's theme challenge – Winter Wonderland. These images have now been uploaded to our Facebook site.
This month's theme challenge is “Through the Looking Glass” due in prior to the end of the month. The March theme challenge was also handed out - “Shapes & Shadows”, which will not be due in till late March.
Our outing for this
month will be a winter's hike along the shoreline at North Beach
Provincial Park. It will be held on Sunday Feb 8th at
2 PM - we'll meet at the park's front gate
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