Seating was at a premium as the number of attendees outnumbered our allotment of chairs. On checking with the Library, this was an oversight, and they have since restored their chair reserve.

This evening
featured a truly great lesson from the Glen Dobson school of
photography. Glen introduced us to HDR (High Dynamic Range) image
processing in a simple, easy to understand manner. He then
proceeded to demonstrate just how easy it is to produce such images
with today's specialized programs. To keep things simple, Glen utilized Photomatix Essentials
and provided internet coordinates
for members to download the program and try it for free. At the end of
the workshop, he displayed a dazzling set of HDR images made from
as little as three shots all the way to one 40 shot behemoth. This
certainly provides us with another useful tool in our photographic

The meeting also had
lots of member participation content. Caspar produced an inspiring
slide and video shoot of
and other Butterflies. A
slideshow from our club outing at
O'Hara Mills Homestead &
Conservation Area featured the work of 13 of our members. In
addition, our monthly theme challenge “
Nature's Glory”,
showcased colourful images by 20 different club participants. Both of
these multi-member slideshow images have been uploaded to our
Facebook account.
At the end of the
session, we handed out the upcoming theme challenges - “
& Texture” for this month and “
Fun with Friends &
Family” for the month of December. We do encourage you to
interpret these challenges as you see fit and hopefully in a
creative, artistic or humourous fashion.
Our club outing for
this month will be the November 16th Santa Claus
Parade in Belleville. It is a night-time event starting
around 5:30PM (Sunday evening). We hope to cap that evening off at a local pizzeria for some hot food and fun.
Our next meeting
will be on December 7th. It is our annual CFC
Awards Gala and Pot Luck Dinner. If you missed last year's
event, then you can redeem yourself by coming out and seeing the best
the club has offered over the past year. It's also a great way to
get to know each other in a more informal setting
Thanks again for all
those who attended the meeting and those who participate in our