Ramesh put on a tutorial on night photography, covering a broad range of topics including urban scenes, fireworks, twilight and shooting the stars. He ended with a short but breathtaking display of images of the skies above us. He discussed the required tools (really just a camera. tripod and flashlight) and the techniques - wide aperture, slow shutter speed and tips on how to focus in the dark.

Three slideshows were also on the agenda complete with sometimes suspenseful and other times "toe-tapping" music to accompany the images. Carol put together a delightful rendition of the Hillier Medieval Festival which included images from nine club members. The Mariner's Park/Little Bluff Conservation Area club outing was also put into a slideshow with photos from 11 different members. And finally, the August Club Challenge - Olde Woods - included images from 21 different photographers. The latter two groups of images have been posted to our Facebook page - so if you missed the meeting or want to revisit the images, please head on over to www.facebook.com/countyfotoclub to have a look!
The September Club Challenge was handed out - namely "Relics of the Past". We also indicated that the October Challenge would be "Fall Colours" - given out a little early just in case mother nature decided to get a jump on the cool weather this year! The September club outing (and subsequent slideshow) will be the Milford Fall Fair - Saturday Sept 14th. The parade starts at 11:00 am and the show is on all day. This is a typical rural Ontario Fall Fair and our goal is to capture the emotions and atmosphere from such a fun event. Hope to see many of you there.
All in all - a very enjoyable evening!