The new year and the new decade started out on a very positive note with 46 of our members having participated in our January slideshows. That’s getting into record territory for our club and we thank you all. Mike Montgomery started off our meeting with a quick topic item entitled
High Key Imagery – all about having the majority of your image very light and airy (on the right hand side of the histogram). Sounds like a great idea for an upcoming theme challenge – see below!

Although we didn’t hold a club outing in December, we still had images from our November outing to the
National Air Force Museum in Trenton to view. Twenty of our members made the trek up to Trenton and came away with some very creative takes on the many planes and air paraphenalia that was strewn around the museum grounds.
Next up was our major presenter for the evening – Gilles Bisson - with a visually stimulating discussion on
Photo Composition. This is Gilles’ second “kick at the cat”, so to speak. He recapped some of the material that he had discussed with us last August and then delved into additional compositional elements for us to consider when making an image. As always, Gilles’ imagery was captivating.

Following our half time break, we commenced with a slideshow from a
Night Workshop that we held early last Fall at the
Lake-on-the-Mountain. Eighteen of our members attended that mini workshop. We had intended to do some night sky photography, but when we arrived there, the sky was full of clouds. So we started to do a bit of light painting along with some ambient light photography around the brightly lit Inn. Then as fortune would have it, the skies cleared and the Milky Way became visible. It turned out very well indeed!

Our last slideshow of the evening was for our December theme challenge, entitled
Picture Perfect! We had tremendous participation from the membership – so much so that we had to separate it into two halfs. Forty-four members submitted images depicting a vast array of subject matter and photographic styles. Impressive imagery for sure - see for yourself on our public Facebook page which now contains all of our slideshow images.

In between the two halfs of the theme show, we managed to squeeze in our annual
Show & Tell segment where members talked about recently acquired, photo-related items including new cameras, scanner, monitor, mouse, drone, holster and remote tethering equipment.
Our theme challenge for January is
Structurally Speaking ..., while the challenge for February will be
High Key.
Thanks again for coming out and happy shooting throughout the Roaring 20’s decade!