The October 6th meeting got off to a roaring (think 1920’s) start with a discussion of our upcoming year-end Awards Gala and Gourmet Buffett. This year we are going to time-travel back to the early part of last century with a Cabaret theme for the event. The event will be held on Sunday December 8th at the infamous Scarlett Regency Cabaret in Picton – known, more recently, as the Parish Hall at St Mary Magdelene Church! We will have a lot of fun transforming the surroundings and encourage you all to put your own spin on the evening by donning an appropriate hat, boa, plume, etc. Tickets are now on sale ($10/person and we encourage you to invite guests). It is sure to be the photographic social event of the year here in the County. We will get to see and reward some fantastic photography with over 20 award trophies hanging in the balance.

Bert Jenkins next provided us with a discussion of Workflow as it relates to his photographic routine. Capturing the image was step one, followed by three separate processing steps – raw processing, post processing and creative processing. Oh, it all sounded so simple!
Following a short break, we got to enjoy some fantastic photography from the sunshine state of Florida. Bill & Gloria Sprung presented an enthralling slideshow as a parting gift to our club – they leave very shortly for their winter home in the deep south!

Our upcoming themes were handed out – The Splendor of Fall for this month of October, and Round the Bend – Circles & Curves for November.