The July Photo Club meeting was our once-a-year Print Display & Evaluation session. We had a full house to admire the many distinctive printed images brought in by 28 of our members. In total 52 prints were on display in the upstairs foyer. After some short instructions on Print Judging, we all headed upstairs to review and assess the images. Then we handed our marked forms over to the care of our two number for the night (Bert Jenkins and Margaret Liddon) who diligently inputted the scores into the computer, in a race against time (attempting to complete the task before our meeting ended). More on this in a minute.

Joe Leduc next demonstrated how to blow and photograph beautiful Bubbles in the comfort of our own homes. Joe does this in his basement and we got to see one of his rainy-day project videos on this subject. It all looked so easy to get such richly coloured, multi-layered bubbles.

Our night’s mathematicians had not yet completed their tasks, so I talked to our Executive Committee make-up & duties and then asked for anyone interested in joining that group to put their name forward. We’ll keep you posted on that at a later date.
Our Theme Challenges for the next 2 months were handed down – Close Encounters for July and The Power of One! for August.

Bert & Margaret finally emerged from behind closed doors to show us the Top Scoring Prints (13 in number), from our collective scoring process. As I indicated up front, we are basically a non-competitive club – everyone who participated by bringing in an image is a winner! Only those who sit on their hands are the real losers – and there’s always next year!