Tuesday, 11 June 2019

June Photo Club Meeting

We had a full house for our June 2nd meeting, with a wonderfully high member participation rate of 40 people for the session. Our evening was a mix of great imagery & photo education, with lots of fun, entertainment and even a little spoofery thrown into the equation.

First up, we got a reminder from Larry Tayler of his photo show at the John M. Parrott Art Gallery in Belleville throughout the June/July period - be sure to drop by and see his impressive display.

Monty (Mike Montgomery) played a major role in the night’s proceedings. He started us off with a short quick-topic on Photo Restoration and some of the processing tools he finds useful in his restoration efforts.

Next up was our first slideshow of the evening – our May club outing to Presqu’ile Provincial Park. Eighteen of us participated in that event, where we found much of the park literally “under water”. High rubber boots worked miracles for those who brought them along.

Our next agenda item was – shall I say – a little different. It was called The Debaters – attempting to nail down the question – Is the Printed Image still relevant in today’s digital world? Monty and Dave Robinet defended the venerable item, with Dave Tugwood and I describing it’s imminent demise. While the jury is still out on this one, there appeared to be a strong leaning in the clubhouse towards saving the day for the Printed Image.

Monty kicked off the second half of our meeting with a vivid slideshow of the Canary Islands which he visited a few month ago. For such a small location, it was quite amazing to see such dramatic variety of scenery – deserts, forests, volcanoes, coastal ruggedness, historic towns & villages.

Dave Tugwood & I were next up with a short talk on ideas for Photographing People. I concentrated on candid/street aspects, while Dave delved into portraiture, posing and lighting considerations. This presentation (along with Monty’s QT item) has now been posted to our "CountyFotoClub" Youtube Channel.

Our theme challenge for May was entitled Colour My World. Thirty-seven people submitted an impressive array of images of their interpretations on that theme. Our public Facebook page now has these, along with our outing images available for all to view.

The theme challenges for the next two months are Wings & Tails for June and Close Encounters for July.

Thanks to all who participated in our events over the past month.