A full house was in store, anxious to greet and listen to our guest speaker for the night – Kyle Blaney. Kyle is an avid birder and nature photographer who has levered his love of nature into a career position as Outreach Lead of the Shad development & leadership program for pre-university teens. Kyle’s presentation, entitled
Life Lessons from the Arctic, took us to many outposts of Canada, far from the popular tourist destinations. He parlayed these into life concepts that work exceptionally well for him. Kyle presented impressive images of Spirit Bears, Breaching Whales, glaciers, icebergs and much more. He also stirred the juices of many in the audience to some of the geographic locations he has frequented.

As Kyle’s talk was a bit longer than anticipated, we only had time to run the slideshows prepared for the evening. We displayed our
Point Traverse/Long Point Outing slideshow. The outing occurred last month just after a fresh coat of snow from the night before leaving, according to our landscape expert Bert Jenkins “drop dead gorgeous” conditions. Have a look at the images on our public Facebook site to see for yourself.

Larry Tayler, recently back from an extensive stay in Tasmania, kicked off the second portion of our meeting with an entertaining slideshow featuring his street photography expertise, entitled
Not So Mean Streets. Larry’s images will serve well in setting up this coming month’s theme challenge relating to photographing people.

Our final slideshow was for our March theme challenge entitled
Soft & Shallow. Thirty-two of you submitted an array of wonderful images, ably demonstrating this effective artistic tool. These images have also been posted to our public Facebook page for everyone to view.
We ran out of time, so we had to defer to a later date, a presentation that Dave Tugwood & I had prepared on photographing people – no worries! We set the theme challenges for the next two months – April is
To Pose or Not To Pose!, while May’s theme is
Colour My World.