Wednesday, 6 December 2017

2017 CFC Awards Gala

This year we moved the venue for our Awards Gala and Gourmet Pot luck to the Parish Hall at St Mary Magdelene Church.  In retrospect - what a very wise move it was!  We had an exceptional turnout - many more than we could have accommodated at our Wellington Library clubhouse.  As well, the fully equipped kitchen, meant our food was keep toasty warm throughout.  Our many volunteers transformed the room into a festive bistro.

The evening commenced with two slideshows. The first was from a Night Photo-Shoot held at Point Petre in late September, where we were anxious to capture the Milky Way and other celestial phenomena. The second slideshow was entitled Fall Fiesta - our theme challenge for the month - which was both colourful and rich in variety. The two image sets have been posted to our Facebook page.

The food tables were so appetizing!. The variety of superb entrees and delicious deserts was incredible. Needless to say, no-one left the premises hungry.

In hour two, the Dynamic Duo - David Gilbert and myself - took to the stage to recognize and reward some fantastic imagery from our members. After reviewing 3249 images submitted from 58 individual members over the course of the past 12 months, the very best images were assigned to 20 separate categories. Four contenders were chosen for each award category. The judges presented their rationale for choosing each of the images. With great drama, the winners were announced and trophies were awarded. Half way through the presentation, a slideshow was aired that capsulized everything our Club has done in the past 12 month (Dec 2016 - Nov 2017). It was surprising how much we have all accomplished in the past year.

At the end of the evening, the club recognized it's coveted award - the 2017 Photographer of The Year. This year, the award was presented to a truly great photographer and most worthy winner – Chris Ward. Chris' name has now been engraved on our Club Trophy.

The award categories and individual winners are:

Image Title
Deb Walters

Standing Tall
Daphne Creasy
Liquid Cascade
Marilyn Sprissler
I've Got My Eye on You
Alan Jenner

Exotic Landscape
Ellen Koteen
Seaweed Harbour
Ramesh Pooran
Fair Ride
Funniest Image
Leonard Buffett
Loch Jenner Monster
Water Motion
Mike Gaudaur
Angry Sea
Feathered Friend
Ian Dickinson
Dave Tugwood
Forest Mills Falls
Margaret Liddon
Marilyn Buildings
Larry Tayler
Going Home
At Close Quarters
Doug Smith
Fungus Among Us
Slideshow of the Year
Bert Jenkins
The Other Sandbanks
Urban Scene
Mike Montgomery
Rest Stop Below
Local Landscape
Dave Tugwood
Super Moon Bus
Use of Colour
Mags Kandis
TomaToes & Toes
Mode of Transport
Gail Hamilton
Ghost Ship
Use of Light
Terri Korkush
Misty Morning
Winter Scene
John Dufour

Congratulations to all our 2017 CFC Award winners. The full Awards Presentation will soon be available for viewing on our Youtube channel.

Our next meeting will be on January 7th, back at the Wellington Library location. Our theme challenge for December is Anything Goes. The January theme challenge is simply entitled Frozen – I understand the weather is about to turn on us very shortly!

Thanks for everyone who came out to our annual Gala event. Each year it seems to get bigger and better! I'd like to offer a very special thanks to Margaret and all her helpers who created a great festive atmosphere for our special night.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays