Tuesday, 11 July 2017

July Print Display & Evaluation

Our annual print display and evaluation was held this past Sunday. Twenty-three members brought in a total of 44 images to be assessed by their peers. Subject matter varied widely from a lonely owl in the forest to big city locales. One thing that didn’t vary widely was the consistently high quality of the images on display. 
John Dufour took the lead in prepping everyone to be judges – along with teaching us to see the “gorilla” in the room with all else going on! John proposed a much simpler scoring mechanism this year that greatly simplified the process. That, along with the generosity of the Library which allowed us to utilise the upstairs hall, made the logistics so much simpler.

Our club outing slideshow was from our June trip to SprindleTree Gardens. Images from 10 of our members depicted flowers, butterflies, humming bird moths and the many interesting structures at that facility located near Tamworth, Ontario.

John next picked up on the judging theme by giving us an overview of his experiences with judges in photo competitions. The moral was that many things have to align correctly for your image to be selected in such competitions.

With this month’s Architecture theme challenge, we had Mike Montgomery discuss the issue of Image Distortion – Optical and Perspective – and how these errors could be easily corrected in one’s photo-editor of choice. Mike’s presentation will be uploaded to our YouTube channel for review purposes.

Our theme challenge slideshow Architecture featured submissions from 30 of our members. An impressive array of images from all across the globe were on display and have now been uploaded to our public Facebook page for your viewing pleasure (as have the SpindleTree images).

The final item of the evening was to review the top 12 images - each having amassed an average score of 8 or more out of 10 by the collective members. I think most were in agreement that the judging process had allowed the cream rise to the top – so to speak. That said – all entrants were the real winners on this night.

The theme challenges for July is entitled My Canada – What Makes My Canada Great and for August it is simply entitled – Summer Fun.