Monday, 7 November 2016

November 6th Club Meeting

Another full house greeted our assembled presenters at Sunday’s meeting of the Prince Edward County Photography Club. The night featured inspiring works by 31 of our members. 

The evening started with a slideshow of our recent visit to the O’Hara Mills Homestead. This is a very photogenic location, no matter what time of year, but the colours of Autumn added a special glory to the member images.

The audience was graced with a visit from a special guest, Johnny Lam, who treated us to sights and stories of his many documentary assignments around the globe. Johnny explained his techniques from his predominant use of 24/50mm prime lenses, to exploring his subjects both up close as well as in the broader context of their environment. His available light images were captivating and resulted in compelling storylines. You can see more of Johnny’s work at his website and on his Instagram page –

The second half of the meeting began with an insightful presentation by Larry Tayler on the topic of Contemplative Photography. This past summer, Larry attended a week long course on the subject at a Quaker gathering in Minnesota. He talked about how his ability to observe (and record) the world around him has been impacted by a new awareness and expectant eye. You can see more of Larry’s work at

Our third presenter for the evening was Chris Ward who wowed us with his techniques to produce unrivalled detail in images. His landscapes from recent trips to the US southwest and Italy demonstrated everything from multi-image, multi-level panoramas to busy city scenes devoid of all human form, to time lapse blending, ... Chris’ work is really worth having a second look and you can see it at his website –


The final slideshow of the evening was our October theme challenge – Transitions. Twenty-nine of us contributed images that explored the changing of the season and all the glorious colour that has entailed. Member slides from the October meeting have been posted to our public Facebook page for your viewing pleasure.

The themes for the next 60 days were handed down – Abstract for November and Your Choice for December. The club outing for November will be held on Saturday Nov 12th in Picton at the Firelight Lantern Festival (Crystal Palace).