We held our third annual Print Exhibit at our July meeting last Sunday evening. Twenty-two individuals submitted a total of 39 prints for the membership to assess and enjoy.

Before we started appraising the displayed prints, we ran through the basics of Print Evaluation, providing a simplified scoring scheme for all to use. It was surprising how quickly we managed to complete the evaluations – a considerable improvement on last year.

The next agenda item
was a review of Street Photography, including the legality of
that activity in Canada. We even had a very short Youtube slideshow
which provided some interesting and creative ideas for street
photography shots. All this fits very well with our theme challenge
for the month of July which is entitled Main Street.
These images will be due in very early the first week of August, so
get shooting!

The major slideshow at the July meeting was for our June theme challenge - Furr & Feather. We had over 200 image submissions from over 30 individuals – now that’s great participation! Both of the slideshows from our July meeting have now been posted to our public Facebook page for your viewing pleasure.
While the majority
of us were enjoying the slideshows, Bert & Margaret were
beavering away, inputting the evaluation scores into a spreadsheet
and sorting the results. In the end, we identified the top 10 images
as selected by the members and had a quick peak again at those
submissions. No prizes and no winners, just great printed images for
us all to see! Actually, everyone who brought in a print is a real
winner on our scoresheet – thank’s ever so much.
The meeting ended with identifying the themes for the next 60 days – Main Street for July and Abandoned for August. We also discussed the club outing for July which is on Saturday July 16th 11am at Presqu’ile Provincial Park – The Marsh Boardwalk. In addition, we are planning a couple of mini shoots – to take advantage of the great weather while we have it! On Wed July 20th we plan to meet just before sunset and stroll along the Moira River (and adjacent areas) in Belleville for a night photo opportunity. Also, on Tuesday July 26th, the Milky Way will be optimal for a special night shoot – so do put that date in your calendar as well. More will be sent on these events as we get closer to the above dates.
Thanks to all who
came out and especially those who participated during the month in
our various activities.