The May meeting
provided us with a refresher course on a number of areas that will
make our Spring photography all that much better. Alan Jenner
brought in a plethora of photographic equipment that he uses for
capturing our avian friends. His
Basics of Bird Photography
talk set everyone up for the annual bird migration season which will
be in full bore in the next few weeks here in Prince Edward County.
A technical discussion on DSLR
Focusing Mechanisms
along with a video presentation of the very useful
Back ButtonAutomatic Focusing mechanism provided a good lead-in to Alan’s
bird photography discussion.

Of course, the
centrepiece of all our meetings are the many member images shown and
discussed throughout the session. Doug Smith showed us some
breath-taking views of
China and South-East Asia. Our
monthly outing slideshow featured images from the
Menzel Nature
Reserve and the
Marlbank Ghost Town – both
north of Deseronto. The monthly theme challenge was
and we received a large number of highly creative entries. In
addition, we recapped another
Night Workshop that was held at
Lakeshore Lodge, on the shores of Lake Ontario, earlier in April. We
also had a number of our members talk about their impressive images
in our new
What, Why, How segment. The outing, theme and
workshop images have been uploaded to our
Facebook site for your
viewing pleasure.
A number of outings
and activities have been earmarked for the month of May – we need
to take advantage of the milder weather while we can. Our formal
club outing will be held on Saturday May 14
th at the
Sheffield Conservation Area. We also hope to have a number of other events during
the month including an additional Night Photography Workshop, a trip
to the PEPtBO birding area and the opening of the Ameliasburgh
Pioneer Village.
Our club challenge
for May is entitled Rebirth while the June challenge has also been assigned,
namely Furr & Feathers.