Our February meeting
turned its attention to the artistic side of our craft. Even the
Superbowl couldn't keep the audience away as we had another full
house and great participation by club members in our month's
Our special guest
speaker for the night was a relative newcomer to the County. Carol
Noel's images are bold, colourful and insightful, all the while
that her subject matter is often very common place – things few
people might consider photographing. She has the ability to turn
left-behind garbage and torn plastic into works that have
compositional beauty and entice the imagination. I do recommend you
go to her website to see more of her vibrant graphics – www.facebook.com/MixdNutzStudio .
Our evening also delved into the more serene side of photo artistry with Margaret Liddon giving us a presentation on Negative Space & Minimalism. She also touched on the forms of Zen and Contemplative photography which overlap this subject area. Her slides will soon be posted to our Countyfotoclub Youtube site for viewing and this compositional form will be the subject of one of our upcoming theme challenges.
On the technical
front, I put on a short discussion of Photographic Noise –
what causes it and how you can reduce it's impact on your images.
This also will be posted to our Youtube site.
Four separate slideshows filled out the remainder of the meeting. Two of the slideshows related to our outings during the month – one at Glen Ross and the other at Port Traverse. A third slideshow covered the results of our Night Photography Workshop held at Wellington Beach on a very cold and windy January evening. The theme challenge – Frigid – rounded out the night's proceedings with some wonderful images of our Canadian winter. All of these slides have been uploaded to our Facebook Page for your viewing and sharing.
Upcoming theme
challenges include Window Light
for February and Negative Space & Minimalismfor March. Our next club outing will be on Sunday Feb 21st 2PM at
Shore Lodge (Sandbanks Provincial Park).
Thanks to all who attended and participated.