On Sunday July 5th we held
our once-a-year review of the printed image and what a great
selection of images it was! We had 45 submissions that were
displayed in our somewhat cramped quarters.
We had another great
turnout to our meeting, including Mr. David Welsh who recently
hosted our club members at the Model Train outing at his impressive
facilities. He was there to see the initial slideshow of the night
entitled – All Aboard - which included images and
video from 15 of our members.
We next turned our
attention to the age-old problem of how to evaluate a photograph.
Using three main criteria – Technical Merit, Creative &
Artistic Merit and Overall Impact – the total group was given the
task of judging (in a friendly manner) the assembled images. At the
end of the evening, a number of top scoring images were shown to the
crowd and are also included in this blogposting.
As is our norm, the
meeting was heavily weighed to displaying member images through the
slideshow format. Kevin & Sheila Hanbury showed us a small part
of their recent journey to an ancient and colourful part of Asia
Minor in their video entitled Trippin Turkey. We then
moved to a slideshow from a recent Nighttime & HDR workshop in
Belleville that was attended by 13 of our members and led by Glen
Dobson. It demonstrated how a city is transformed at night by all
the multi-colour-temperatured lights that abound our streets. That,
coupled with reflections in the water, made for a very lively and
up-tempo slideshow.
Our final show of
the night was our members' photographic interpretation of the Renewal
theme challenge. Once again, we had lots of great submissions and
these and the other member slides can now be viewed on our facebookpage.
Our upcoming theme
challenges will be Lead-In Lines for
July (due in by early August) and for August our theme will be
Anything Nautical.
have a fun club outing planned for this Saturday (July 11th)
at the Kingston Waterfront. It is their annual Buskers Festival and also
their Saturday Market will be in full force. Please join us behind City Hall around 11:30AM.