We were treated to a remarkable display of artistic imagery from the camera and darkroom of Graham Davies - the "Bald Photographer". Graham's portfolio spanned many decades from both sides of the Atlantic. His images, especially those of people, encapsulated the inner mystique of human behaviour. His treatment of personalities, all the way from Prince Charles to local artisans was both authentic and informative regarding the lives of these people. It certainly was a most educational, inspiring and enjoyable session.
The meeting also included a brief discussion of the use of tripods and similar camera steadying paraphernalia. Two substantial member sideshows each featuring over 130 images were displayed relating to the Ameliasburgh Flywheel & Antique Show as well as the June monthly challenge of "Up Close & Personal". Both of these sets of images have been uploaded to our Facebook account - facebook.com/countyfotoclub - so if you missed last night's meeting, do go over there and have a look at the many wonderful and colourful images.
The July month's challenge was handed down, namely "Patterns". As usual, we would like to see five images from each member as to their take on this theme - the more creative, the better! This time around, we are going to allow each member to send in one image on this theme that may have been taken in a prior time period. Once again - file sizes about 1024x768px, watermarked with your name and file renamed to include your name/initials and subject matter. This really helps us to put together the final slideshow.
We are also planning to have another club photoshoot this Sunday July14th, at 2pm in Waupoos. It is Hollyhock season and the winery, vineyards and cider are all in full operation. We plan to meet in the Waupoos Estates Winery parking lot at the allotted time.
We do hope you will continue to enjoy and participate in these club initiatives with us.