Friday, 29 March 2013

Finally - I Captured Spring!

On Wednesday, I pleasantly discovered that Spring had actually come to the County.  Mind you, I still had to search long and hard to find it - but all that searching was well worth while.  Here are a few of the images (early "Signs of Spring") that I captured during a trek around Bloomfield.

I do hope you are all able to take advantage of the lovely weather and capture your own signs of spring.  Have a very Happy Easter and I look forward to seeing you all at our meeting next weekend (Sunday April 7th at 7pm) 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Early Entrants to "First Sign of Spring" Assignment

I heard on the news last night that last year at this time, it was 20C.  This year I spent the morning shovelling heavy wet snow!  I hadn't anticipated this type of weather when we set the March photo challenge.  However, I am pleased to inform you that many of our fellow members have been very creative (given all the ice and snow) and that images are trickling in.  Gabrielle Holowacz was the first to submit an image on March 7th entitled snowdrops.
Caspar Radden demonstrated his creative eye with this Easter Bunny special.
Marilyn Holland and I were at a local maple sugar bush and caught these images of maple sap collection.

Bert Jenkins sent in a number of great images of ice melting near Traverse Point including this shot of floating icebergs in the clear waters close to the shoreline.
And how about this image - an unmistakeable sign of things to come (and things to watch out for!) - sent in by Robert Logan.

So, no excuses, Spring is all around us - just waiting to be discovered and photographed.  Use your imagination and send in your photos.  We will display all submissions at our next club meeting - Sunday April 7th.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Images from Marilyn

Last week, Marilyn Holland was out with her faithful Nikon D60 in hand and managed to capture these wonderful images.  Although our weather remains cool, she has recently spotted hundreds of returning red wing blackbirds as well as a blue heron in the West Lake area of the County.  Spring can't be far away!!!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Ice Volcanoes

Thanks to Ramesh Pooran who was out on Monday, walking along Wellington Beach and came across these most interesting and unusual ice gysers which are locally known as "Ice Volcanoes".  Ramesh only had his little P&S camera with him (a Canon G10) but was still able to capture some wonderful images, freezing the spouting water high into the air.  Just shows that you don't have to stray far from home to find some fascinating creations of nature.  Enjoy!

Monday, 4 March 2013

New Photo Club Off & Running!

What a great turnout at the inaugral meeting of our new photo club.  Thirty-five founding members showed up.  In addition, a number of others have indicated their interest but were unable to attend the first meeting.  David Vaughan put on an inspiring mini-workshop on photo composition and his images were highly instructive  and artistically spectacular.  A group of 6 or so enthusiastic volunteers have agreed to assist with establishing the modis operandi for the club going forward.  Homework, in the form of a March challenge of "First Sign of Spring" was also assigned to the group.  It is clear that interest in photography is strong and that the County is ready to embrace this new community initiative.  The next meeting will be held on Sunday April 7th - more on exact timing and location later.

Thank you all.  Now, grab your cameras and capture/steal a fleeting moment in time from this wonderful world around us.